Amplifying Business Success Through
Human-Centered Operations

Enhancing Efficiency, Cultivating Growth

Our mission?

To empower you, the business owner, to navigate this path with confidence, fostering success through streamlined, human-centric business operations.

We're about more than just solutions.

We're about nurturing the symbiosis between efficiency and empathy, business and personal growth, and vision and execution.

Championing the Heartbeat of Business: Entrepreneurs and Their Teams

The seeds of Operations House were planted in the mind of our founder, Ashley Carroll, through her own professional journey. As a former accountant turned COO, she's walked in your shoes. She knows the excitement of the first sale, the thrill of scaling, and the constant quest for balance. This lived experience has cultivated our mission: To streamline business operations, transforming the intricate challenges of business growth into stepping stones toward success.

At Operations House, we believe in strategic partnership over consultancy. We become your Chief Reality Officer, providing a framework for efficient idea execution tailored specifically to your business's unique challenges and potential. We transform visions into tangible outcomes, helping entrepreneurs innovate and expand their horizons, all while maintaining the balance between business growth and personal well-being.

Introducing Ashley Carroll
Your Chief Reality Officer

Entrepreneurship is an adventure and every adventurer needs a guide

Hi, I'm Ashley Carroll, the heartbeat of Operations House. I'm an accountant turned COO, who has seen firsthand the unique challenges and opportunities that small businesses face. My career path has spanned various industries and businesses scaling up to $20M, a journey I hadn't initially planned, but one I fell in love with.

What captivated me most was the potential of technology as a democratizing force, a tool capable of leveling the playing field for people from all socio-economic backgrounds. I saw this potential in action while working at a non-profit and CDFI, where our loan recipients were often late on payments due to lack of transportation. Could the solution be as simple as enabling online payments? Indeed, it could. Implementing an ACH system led to an 85% decrease in late payments, a transformative change that underscored the power of smart tech deployment.

This experience cemented my conviction: technology and data, when guided by empathy and understanding, can drive incredible transformation. I carry this vision forward in my role as a Small Business Confidante and Chief Reality Officer, guiding business owners to transform their operations and align them with their desired lifestyle. I strive to create an ecosystem where financial freedom and quality of life coexist, and every team member can tap into balanced prosperity.

The word vision can often feel abstract, especially in the world of business.
But at Operations House, our vision is vivid, tangible, and fundamentally human.

Our Values

At Operations House, our values guide us in every decision we make and every interaction we have. They are the foundation upon which we've built our services and our relationships with our clients. Here's what we choose to stand for:

  • We believe in doing what's right, always. Our commitment to honesty and transparency shines through in our actions and our advice.

  • We're passionate about finding new ways to solve problems and improve business processes. We strive to stay ahead of the curve and bring the latest strategies and techniques to our clients.

  • We believe in the power of diversity and the strength of different perspectives. We foster an environment where everyone is welcomed, respected, and valued.

  • We place ourselves in your shoes. Understanding your unique experiences and challenges is crucial to our approach and guides our tailor-made solutions.

  • We believe that the process of business transformation should be as enjoyable as possible. We bring a sense of lightness and fun to our work, making every engagement something to look forward to.

Our HUMAN Approach

At Operations House, our focus is on creating a journey of transformation that considers both the business and the individual. This is captured in our proprietary methodology – the HUMAN Approach, with each letter symbolizing a distinct stage in our client's transformative journey:

  • (H)arness

    We start by harnessing the current state of your business. Delving deep into your operations and identifying your struggles and aspirations, we then unearth the gap between your dreams of personal freedom and the realities of running a business.

  • (U)ncover

    Our next step is to uncover possibilities for transformation. Leveraging purposeful, human-centric, data-driven practices, we reveal opportunities to transform your operations, helping shift your business from surviving to thriving.

  • (M)otivate

    The third step involves motivating and empowering your team. Recognizing that a supportive, engaged team significantly contributes to a business's success, we foster an environment of collaboration, innovation, and alignment toward your vision.

  • (A)ctualize

    We then work with you to actualize sustained growth and profitability. Your business begins to experience consistent growth, setting the stage for long-term success that aligns with your personal values and positively impacts your overall well-being.

  • (N)urture

    Finally, we nurture the ripple effects of your success. By achieving financial freedom, health, and happiness, you're not only creating a thriving business but also extending the benefits to your team, your customers, and your community.

Our Social Impact

Making Small Business Resources Accessible For All

At Operations House, we believe in the power of business to make a positive impact on the world. We're particularly passionate about supporting non-profits and mission-driven businesses, understanding that they often face unique operational challenges.

If you're a non-profit organization or a business with a strong social mission, we'd love to hear from you. Let's explore how we can work together to optimize your operations and maximize your impact. We're open to sponsorships and collaborations that align with our values and vision.